A welcoming community hub

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The Lower Green Community Centre is a welcoming community hub where local people can meet for a chat, take part in activities and receive help and support when needed. We run a Cafe and Community Fridge with surplus produce from local supermarkets together with a number of other community projects.

We have a small play area in the cafe for 0-3 year olds with soft play and toys available in the hall when it is not in use.

Opening times

Our popular cafe is open Mon-Thurs from 9.30-4.30. Last orders at 4.00pm. Come and sample our delicious homemade soup, cakes and cookies!

Latest News

Sign up for our FREE Cost of Living and Energy Saving Workshops! Pop in to our Advice Cafe on Wednesday mornings or call / text 07754 574552 for further details.

Get Involved

We have lots of opportunities for you to get involved and are always grateful for offers of help eg serving in the cafe, gardening, etc. We are keen to hear from anyone who can offer particular skills or would be interested in becoming a Trustee of the Charity. Please drop in to the Centre for a chat or email info@lowergreen.org for more details.

Volunteer Vacancies

If you would like to volunteer with us we have opportunities to help in our cafe and with our community garden. Pop in for a chat to meet the team and see how you would like to be involved.

Hall Hire

The Centre is available to hire for regular bookings and meetings only. Please note - we do NOT take bookings for parties. For all booking enquiries please email info@lowergreen.org


The Community Centre is managed by the Lower Green Community CIO, Charity No: 1185574.